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faire connaitre mon magasin à Saint-Palais-sur-Mer

Saint-Palais-Sur-Mer (17420)
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Plan de Saint-Palais-sur-Mer

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Note moyenne pour Saint-Palais-Sur-Mer
  1. je trouve cette ville correcte !

    I love the tunnel effcet with the photos. I cannot even think about moving. Makes the head hurt. I do like the idea of throwing out and getting rid of things .just not having to move to do it. You're so organized, you'll get it all done and with time to be out and about. Did you get to see Lisa's new apartment? Sounds really nice. [url=]mlxgzftxwq[/url] [link=]hlwfat[/link]

  2. j'adore cette ville !

    Rainbows are an optical poenhmena rainbows are caused by light bouncing once off the insides of raindrops; the colours occur because different colours (wavelengths) of light are refracted by different amounts. Many rainbows have a double on the outside, the opposite way round from the main bow. This is caused by light bouncing around the inside of water droplets twice. A third bow, caused by light bouncing three times, is easily seen in the lab but almost never in the sky. To me double rainbows signify double the good luck , double the wishes So go ahead, make your 2 wishes

  3. j'aime bien cette ville !

    Maybe one day I can see all of those beautiful pleacs in your photos, but for now I can dream! Moving is a good way of getting rid of things, however, when we sold my house we had two weeks to move so I didn't have much of a chance to go through things. When we came here we put everything into the shed, which just now finally got cleared out! I guess I didn't need all of that stuff , so now I get a garden house from the shed!! If you get a chance stop by as I am having a giveaway!take Care!Ulrike [url=]vknumpxkpsr[/url] [link=]dsnihm[/link]

  4. je suis fan de cette ville !

    Jul31Dileep V. Sathe As a physics teheacr, I am unble to see a valid reason for replacing pi by tau. Actually, in maths books, one can find i) C = (pi)D where C is circumference and D is diameter and ii) C = 2(pi)R where C is circumference and R is radius. These equations are based on the fact that the diameter of a circle is twice its radius. As long as this geometrical fact is not disproved, I can not accept the change from pi to tau. Feel free to contact me directly. Lastly, 40/50 digists appearing after the deciml point in the numerical vlue of pi in books of maths do not impress me at all. I tell students to insist on measuring the diameter and the circumference of circular object and then calculate the numericl value of pi.

  5. j'adore cette ville !

    Merry Christmas et Joyeux Noel to you and Maurice. Thank you for your delightful blog, which tstorpnras me to my favorite city, brings back wonderful memories and inspires me to come back and make new ones. The Christmas photos are lovely.

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